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Yasar University

Film Design

“The department for dream designers who turn stories into art...”

The Department of Film Design differs from other similar programmes with
its educational emphasis on design.
This programme prepares students
for professional life, as experts with a strongcommandoftechnology,who canunderstandandreflectindividual andsocialvaluesintheirprojects.Asan overview,graduatesbecomespecialists in the various phases of film production, from screenwriting to the final product.


In order to assist students in
developing their theoretical and practical knowledge, the department provides classrooms equipped with state of the art technology, studios, editing rooms and computer laboratories, where project film and post production courses are conducted. Students are also able
to develop their knowledge and gain experience through collaboration with 
Industrial Design and other units within the university, in preparation for their professional lives.


The television and cinema sector is growing on a daily basis, resulting in
a great need for qualified graduates. The Department of Film Design aims
to educate skilled, talented and knowledgeable students, who will meet the needs of this sector. Graduates can workinthefilmindustry,thevideo productionindustry,aswellasatTV channelsandadvertisingcompanies. Theycanalsoworkasdirectors, producers, screenplay experts and scriptwriters.


In line with its focus on art and design, YasĖ§ar University incorporated these concepts when designing the curriculum of the Film Design programme. Many of the courses feature real life applications, in order to allow students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. In this context, students are able to develop all the skills necessary for their future careers, from scriptwriting to editing, as well as

being able to discover their particular areas of interest within the selected courses taken in the 3rd and 4th year.

The Film Design programme was designed based on the premise that the cinema sector is a global working environment. With this in mind, the curricula and content offered is fully compatible with that of American and British universities, to facilitate mobility ofstudentsandgraduates. 

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