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Istanbul Bilgi University



The goal of the Department of Economics is to promote a thorough understanding of the economic problems of our time and to develop the research skills of the students. Emphasis is placed on equipping students with skills in the use of mathematical and statistical tools as well as basic theories. Our target, however, is at the same time to ensure that our students acquire all the personal attributes demanded by the new global economy.

In the light of accelerating technological change, globalisation and increasing international competition, comprehending economic phenomena and overcoming economic problems have become more and more important. The role of economics and economists is consistently widening and thus Bilgi’s economics’ offering is ever adapting to reflect contemporary economic trends.

Over four years students are subject to a wide range of different modules ranging from modules that explore the social, political and historical context of economics to modules that look at macro and micro statistics. The course aims to develop a rounded economist who is equipped with the tools to analyse any economic concept.

Bilgi believes that their graduates will be able to play an important role in any institution and in any sector, not only in Turkey but also worldwide. This course has an international perspective and thus aims to appeal to the internationalist student.


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