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Loughborough University

Politics, History & International Relations - Undergraduate

Politics, History, and International Relations (Undergraduate) at Loughborough University

The Department of Politics, History and International Relations is a lively and supportive community in which you will be challenged to review and question not just your knowledge, but how you acquire knowledge.

Politics at Loughborough

  • Ranked 8th in the Guardian national league tables 2017
  • Top 10 in the UK for overall student satisfaction (2016 National Student Survey, Politics category)*
  • Top 5 in the UK for learning resources (2016 National Student Survey, Politics category)**
  • 96% of our 2015 graduates employed or in further study***
  • Placement opportunities to enhance key employability skills
  • Exciting, flexible degrees that provide lots of contact time with academic staff

What gives some people, or some institutions, the authority to force us to do things that we would not choose to do, and to punish us if we don’t obey? Who has the power to incentivise us to do things that we might not like or enjoy (like school or work)? How do these institutions work? How do they structure our interactions with peoples and institutions in Britain and around the world? How should we understand the basic concepts that we appeal to in our political conversations – freedom, equality, justice, rights, power – and apply them in a world that’s always confronting new and global challenges?

International Relations at Loughborough

In studying International Relations at Loughborough you will tackle some of the most complex and important questions facing the world today. You will debate the rise of global terrorism and the significance of the new protest politics for international affairs, the interconnections between states, foreign policy, and the diffusion of power in multi-level global political environment. On both our Loughborough and London campuses you will explore the challenges facing diplomacy in its traditional and innovative forms, challenges to traditional conceptions of governance and policy making, and you will delve deeply into the theoretical ideas upon which the 20th and 21st Century world orders are built and interrogate their foundations, from the role and nature of the modern state and globalised markets, to arguments for state intervention, national sovereignty, and the appropriate role of NGOs and other non-elected bodies on the world stage.

To learn more please visit the courses page here.


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