This programme is accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). From September 2017, students of this programme will graduate with the dual award of a Bangor University Masters and a Level 7 CMI qualification in Strategic Management and Leadership.
This joint Masters degree is designed for graduates wishing to start, or further develop, careers in Consumer Psychology and Business. The programme is delivered by schools which enjoy an international reputation in their respective fields.
The marriage of both disciplines is a natural one, as understanding behaviour and specifically consumer behaviour in the world of business can be crucial to the success of businesses.
Today’s successful businesses and organisations need highly trained people who can help them understand their consumers and understand issues such as: What makes them choose one product over another? Do brand names and advertising really affect our thinking? Will the internet change the face of urban and suburban shopping areas?
Course Content
Part 1:
Is a wholly taught component, contributing 120 credits. All taught modules carry a credit weighting of 15 credits. Part 1 is taught during the two semesters which make up the academic year. Teaching during semester 1 normally runs from late-September to December, with examinations in January. Teaching during Semester 2 normally runs from late-January to early-May, with examinations in May and June.
Part 2:
Consists of a supervised Dissertation of around 10,000 words completed during the summer months, from late May to September. You are expected to submit your Dissertation by September in the calendar year following your initial registration for your postgraduate degree.
Compulsory Modules:
Consumer Psychology: This module is an introduction to consumer science as it is currently practiced in the marketplace and to relevant research in academia.
Nudges and Behaviour Change: Module details are currently not available.
Marketing Strategy: This module critically evaluates the contributions of various schools of thought in marketing, and examines the relevant analytical models and management practices, with emphasis on the strategic importance of marketing to all organisations.
Management Research: This module analyses the philosophical basis for research in the management sciences, and examines a number of key methodological issues and approaches.
Applied Consumer Psychology: This module’s aim is to provide practical research experience in consumer psychology and involves hands-on work with viable commercial enterprises. Students are partnered with local companies and are required to design and conduct a practical consumer research project, typically involving field work.
Optional modules (choose 3):
European Business: This module examines the opportunities and constraints faced by businesses that operate on a pan-European basis. Emphasis is placed on the multi-dimensional characteristics of an economic and social space that is subject to a unique system of supra-national governance
New Venture Creation: This module examines the advantages and disadvantages of the various routes to business start-up, including new venture creation, or establishing a business based on your own expertise, experience and ideas; buying an establishedbusi9ness; purchasing a franchise; and succession through a family firm, an increasingly common way of becoming involved in entrepreneurial activity.
Contemporary Issues in Management: This module develops several theories and concepts in contemporary management theory and practice. It provides a detailed and critical analysis of management, further developing the conceptual, strategic and practical skills necessary for managers in complex, global organisational contexts.
Finance for Managers: This module is designed for those who aim to achieve a basic understanding of financial management and control, and who require an understanding of finance in order to manage an organisation effectively. Financial planning and control are central themes, as well as the appraisal techniques of investment projects.
Enterprise by design: module information currently unavailable.
International Marketing Communication: This module critically examines the processes by which an integrated marketing communications program is planned, developed and executed; and to examine the environment in which advertising and promotion take place and the various regulatory, social and economic factors that affect an organisation’s integrated marketing communications program.
Global Brand Management: This module critically examines the foundations of branding and how to develop a brand from a national brand into a global brand. The module further examines factors that are important in building and maintaining a positive brand image as well as increasing brand equity.
International Marketing: The globalization of companies is the involvement of customers, producers, suppliers, retailers and other stakeholders in the global marketing process. International marketing reflects the trend of companies selling products and services across national boundaries. This module provides an overview of contemporary international marketing issues and trends as well as the international marketing planning process.