Postgraduate International Scholarships
DJCAD Outstanding International Postgraduate Student Scholarship
£1,500 Scholarship towards tuition fees or as a stipend for one year only for international fee paying students who are starting a Masters course in DJCAD in 2013. You will also need to demonstrate academic excellence and / or significant achievement in your chosen field of study.
DJCAD Alumni Award
Applicants for DJCAD masters courses who are graduates from DJCAD (undergraduate or postgraduate), can apply for a DJCAD Alumni Award, worth £2,000 which can either be used towards tuition fees or a maintenance award.
September 2013 entrants to the Master of Design for Services, MSc Design Ethnography, MSc Product Design, MFA Art & Humanities, MFA Art, Society, Publics, MSc Animation and Visualisation or MSc in Maker Culture
The closing date for Scholarship applications for courses starting in September 2014 is 30th June 2014 and for the Alumni Discount the deadline date is the 15th August 2014.
If you are being sponsored or are receiving a discount on your fees due to an articulation agreement, then you cannot apply for any of the Engineering, Physics and Mathematics scholarships/awards.
You can apply for several scholarships but only one scholarship towards tuition fees will be awarded.
How to Apply
Once you have been given an offer to study in DJCAD at the University of Dundee, we will send you an email telling you how to apply for a Scholarship.
You must complete the form, as soon as possible, and return it as per the instructions provided.
The statement (max. 500 words) cannot be the same as the personal statement in your application form and you must address the following criteria:-
Your reasons for applying for the award/ wishing to undertake Masters study.
How does this relate to your undergraduate programme of study or relevant experience?
How will taking this course contribute to your eventual research direction or career aims?
Please describe relevant training, preparation or work experience that you have already undertaken and that you hope to receive.
We will notify you after the closing date, to let you know whether you have been successful in being awarded a Scholarship or not.