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Queen Margaret University (QMU)
Queen Margaret University (QMU)

The School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management

Working to create a challenging, exciting and rewarding educational experience for you

QMU campus

The School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is an internationally recognised provider of professionally and socially relevant, innovative higher education. With our expertise in the fields of sustainable business, social sciences and creativity and culture, QMU graduates are known for their intellectual rigour, industry relevant and professional expertise.

We offer a wide range of postgraduate courses and our thoroughly relevant teaching and research is designed to meet the changing needs of students, employers and society.  Through research-informed teaching, courses are continuously refreshed to offer the optimum balance of theory and practice and instil students with the tools needed to successfully navigate a competitive, globalised world.

With a strong commitment to enterprise and employability, we provide students with an extensive range of opportunities to understand pathways to careers or further study and provide exposure to a diverse range of potential employers in business, public and third sectors, as well as opportunities for self-employment and enterprise.   


MBA Family and Smaller Enterprises
MBA Hospitality
MBA Tourism
MSc International Management and Leadership
MSc International Management and Leadership with Family and Smaller Enterprises
MSc International Management and Leadership with Hospitality
MSc International Management and Leadership with Events
MSc International Management and Leadership with Tourism
MSc Gastronomy
MSc Dispute Resolution
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations
MA Arts, Festival and Cultural Management
Master of Research

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  Facebook: QueenMargaretUniversity
  Twitter: @QMUniversity
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  Instagram: qmuni

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