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4 Tips For Students Who Want To Work Well From Home

11th June 2020 Posted by: Student World Online

Tips For Working From Home


For now, university campuses across the globe are closed, or operating at a limited capacity, due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. And with important university spaces such as lecture theatres, laboratories and libraries no longer in use, if not all learning has moved online. It’s meant that current students have had to adapt their usual ways of working, swapping the library for their bedroom or kitchen table. 


But if you’re not used to working from home, such a transition can be tough. And so, here at Student Word Online, we've compiled four tips and tricks students can use to make working from that little bit easier. 


1.    Create a routine that works for you 

Don’t like getting up at the crack of dawn? You don’t have to. That’s one of the positive things about working from home – you don’t need to plan your day around things such as library opening times, for instance. Instead, you can plan a day that really works for you.


That being said, it’s important to plan a day, and adopt a working pattern, that actually works for you. You know, the sort of day plan that still allows you to get stuff done, even though you might not have the same sort of structure afforded by the campus. 


To do this, stick to a specific routine, even if it’s not the one you'd go by on-campus. It’ll help you to keep track of time, and to set those all-important boundaries between work and play. If your WFH routine says you should stop working at 18:00, stop working at 18:00! Easy. 


Create a routine.


2.    Create a dedicated study station

When working from home, it can be hard to keep a good work-life balance: the office and the home become one, after all. And so, it can be useful to set up a dedicated, at-home work station; a space free of home comforts and distraction. Then, at the end of the day, you can move away from your work station and emulate that ‘leaving the library’ feeling. 


Create a study station.


3.    Accept that some days just aren’t as productive as others

We all have different ways of working. Some of us like to study in complete silence, whereas others will stick on a podcast or listen to some music to help with our focus. But whatever your preferred working pattern and style, it’s more than likely that a sudden and complete move off-campus is going to be tough - even for the most agile students. 


So, don’t be too hard on yourself as you learn to adapt to the change – it’s a big one, after all. Establishing an effective at-home work routine is going to take some time and energy. In short, it’s okay to accept that some days just won't be as productive as others, especially as you ease into off-campus life.


But as we mentioned in Point 1, if your routine says you should put the books down at a certain time, stick to it. Although it can be tempting to keep going when you feel as though you haven't done enough; it'll be better, in the long run, to stick to your new routine. It's totally fine to have 'off days' - you can always try again tomorrow. (Urgent deadlines aside, of course!)


Top tip: if you’re really battling with your motivation and focus levels on a particular day, why ease up your schedule a little? Break down bigger tasks into smaller, digestible chunks, and focus on one task at a time. Take regular breaks, and keep in touch with your classmates for advice, support and extra motivation.


Loss of motivation.


4.    Communicate your new routine with those around you

Now that campus is closed, many students have lost access to quiet places to study. Some students will be living alongside their university housemates, while others will have moved back home. Whatever your situation, you might not have as much privacy or space to study as you once did. 


And so, when establishing things like a WFH routine and work station, it’s essential to communicate your plans with those around you. This way, parents, friends and flatmates can better support you in sticking to your chosen routine. They’ll know when not to disturb you, and they might even help you to keep on track if they catch you slacking.


This goes for those not living with you too: you don't want to get a FaceTime call when you're on the verge of an academic breakthrough! 


Maintain communication.

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