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Things I wish I knew before I started my undergrad

9th August 2017 Posted by: Anwen Roys

STARTING university is exciting, but it can sometimes be bewildering! Have a look at our top tips to make the most of the best three (or four, or five) years of your life.

1. Try as many societies as possible during Freshers

You’re guaranteed to meet all kinds of new people, broaden your horizons and maybe even find a hidden talent. You don’t have to join forever, but jump in headfirst and see what happens!

2. Don’t spend all your loan in the chain coffee shops on campus

In my first year, I spent about £6 a day on Starbucks sandwiches. That’s £300 a semester. Don’t make my mistake, invest in some Tupperware, bring a packed lunch and you’ll have more pennies to spend on the real ‘student essentials’.


3. Keep a diary and take as many photos as you possibly can

The three years will fly by, and before you know it you’ll have forgotten your first heady weeks. Spoiler alert: the real world is hard and boring, and after you’ve graduated you’ll be happy you can look back on the time you burnt a pot noodle or went into Uni dressed as a cow. 


4. Learn how to reference at the beginning

This might seem like tedious, but seriously, academic referencing is a minefield and if you spend a few hours working it out in Semester 1, submitting essays over Christmas will be so much less of a nightmare. Most uni's offer library sessions at the beginning of the term for guidance, which is definitely worth attending.

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Avoid a meltdown at university 

5. Don’t neglect your health- physical and mental

Apart from registering with a local GP when you arrive, it’s also important to recognise that moving away from home can be hard. Your student union will offer access to different types of mental health services- if you find yourself struggling to cope, please make the most of them. They’re there for a reason, and there should be no shame whatsoever in looking out for Number One.


6. Spend a year abroad if you can

Many courses offer the chance to spend a year studying in a different country, from European destinations to far-flung locations such as Canada and Australia. There are also various funding options which might mean it won’t even cost you any extra. Yes, it extends your course by a year, but it will be the best year of your life, guaranteed.


7. Remember that people won’t hate you if you don’t go on every night out

It’s tempting to push yourself to go out every night in order to fit in, but remember that you’ll probably have way more fun if you respect your own limits. To be honest, people will probably be grateful and join you in watching Netflix and catching up on sleep for a night or two.


Most of all, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! Whatever happens, you’ll come away with new friends, thousands of memories and most importantly (obviously), a degree. Good luck!