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5 Myths About Law Students: Debunked!

27th May 2016 Posted by: Cristina Radulescu

AS a law student, whenever I’m engaged in a conversation with someone and I happen to mention my major I notice how they seem to look at me in awe. Then, with a slight tilt of their head and an admiring look in their eye, all they can say is “Oh...”

This may not seem like much, but in fact this is a telling sign that the person you’re speaking to has already changed their opinion of you based on a preconceived notion about law students. For better or for worse.

And here’s why:

The way the media portrays law students and lawyers has distorted the real image of who they actually are. Many seem to forget that we’re living, breathing people and not some highly-educated Power Puff Girls (and Boys). Misled by the glamour and opulence, the other “mortals” perceive lawyers as the ones who have struck the jackpot. Even as students, our non-law peers fall prey to admiration, envy or even fear, many times unaware of the bare truth. We too deal with our fair share of ups and downs just like everyone else. In the following paragraphs, I’ll do my best to dispel some of the myths law students and aspiring lawyers are the main protagonists of.

1. You’re either a smooth-talking litigator, or a pro-bono attorney with a heart of gold

This rather narrow view is the first impression that many have about lawyers - especially aspiring law students! They often come to University bright-eyed and bushy-tailed thinking that in a few years they will either be taking in the view from a corner office in London or New York while closing high-profile deals like Harvey Specter, or that they’ll become an integral part of fighting Human Rights violations at the UN.

Although these depictions make great television series or front page news, they are not all-encompassing. Sure, in some cases, that may very well be your future after graduation (and a lot of hard work!). But there are a lot of other options. Lawyers in this day and age come in all shapes and sizes, dealing with a multitude of issues that won’t be the subject of the next episode of a Netflix legal drama. There are a lot of interesting options out there which you’ll only experience (as a law student) if you’re passionate and keep an open mind.

2. We never have fun...

This has been said so many times that it threatens to become off-putting for  aspiring  students. Indeed, law school is a lot of work!

This is probably why most libraries on campuses across the country are packed with law students who may always be worrying about their coursework or seminars. The reality is that law is an interesting and challenging degree, where you need to be willing to put in many hours of hard work and be at your sharpest when studying.

Nevertheless, that does not mean that’s all we ever do! We have fun just as much as the next student (sometimes, even a little more...). And contrary to popular belief, it’s not just law socials with white wine and canapés. We will be in the same clubs as everyone else, on the same nights out and (potentially) dealing with the same headache the next morning at our 9 o’clock lecture.

3. ...or we have too much fun?

This observation usually comes from those who’ve watched Legally Blonde one too many times. As I mentioned before, law school requires commitment and most students are aware of all the factors that come into play: the competitive job market, the growing number of law graduates and the high standards that firms have.

Therefore, those who are set on pursuing a law career are very careful about striking a balance between studies and leisure.

4. We don’t worry about our future because we’ll always have a job when we graduate

Once again, the media has oversold the idea that a law degree opens every single door you knock on. Let’s be realistic about it though!

A law degree provides a skill set that will always prove useful in any working environment like logical thinking, research, public speaking aptitudes and problem-solving. However, both law as well as non-law employers will not greet you with open arms unless these abilities are perfectly honed. The key is to know how to use your abilities, as well as be armed with motivation and willpower. Believe me: even the most successful lawyers have had their fair share of doors slammed shut. The ideal combination of perseverance, good grades and skills is what successful law students focus on.

5. Lawyers will always argue their case in court

Another tantalising image which lures prospective law students is that of the wise barrister, clad in dark robes and a wig, arguing a case eloquently to a Lord Justice.

This image is not false, but it’s not all that there is. It’s important to remember that actually, a small number of cases make it to court and most of the heavy-lifting is done beforehand. Furthermore, alternative methods (such as mediation and arbitration) are on the rise and provide solutions to legal issues outside the Court. In some cases this often proves to be more cost-effective and less time-consuming than a traditional alternative.

As a word of advice, though, don’t dismiss the barrister career-path as too intimidating. Universities and law societies around the country provide a lot of opportunities to give you a better notion of what such a choice entails, so if you ever have the chance to take part in a moot court or a barrister info session, don’t let it slide by!


In conclusion, the life of a lawyer means more than uttering legal jargon dressed up in a business suit or tiring oneself out into a soulless career. As for law students, we may be inclined to leave passive-aggressive legal warnings on our leftovers in the fridge but at the same time, we are interesting, intricate, amazing people with more too us than our degree title. So why not get to know us?

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