10 International Scholarships for Indian Students
Wherever you go around the world, Indian students are in demand. With countries such as Canada and Australia providing huge incentives to Indian students to lure them to their shores, there are many institutions around the world that offer scholarships exclusively to Indian students. Historically these scholarships tend to be aimed towards Masters and PhD programmes however on the rise are scholarships for undergraduate students. Student World Online takes a look at ten international scholarships for Indian undergraduate students abroad.
1. TATA SCHOLARSHIP - Cornell University, New York State, USA
Tata, the Indian multinational conglomerate company, have a foundation known as the Tata Education & Development Trust which has endowed a multi million dollar sum to Cornell University to provide undergraduate scholarships to 20 Indian students every year. In another example of supporting American universities, the Tata group also pledged US$50 million to Harvard University in recent years, whose executive management programme Ratan Tata attended in the 1970s. Read more...
2. BRADMAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP - University of Wollongong, Australia.
Named after Australia's cricket legend Donald Bradman, the UOW Bradman Foundation Scholarship was launched in 2012, with the help of Adam Gilchrist no less, to offer one successful Indian student each year a 50% reduction in tuition fees. Read more...
3. HUAWEI MAITREE SCHOLARSHIPS - Various Universities, China
Along with Tata, Huawei are the other huge corporation to be featured. China's massive telecoms equipment vendor are involved in these scholarships offered to Indian students studying in China. In 2013 there are 10 generous scholarships available which provide full tuition fees and living expenses. The courses on which the scholarships are offered include Science and Technology courses, Social Sciences and Culture and Development courses. Read more...
4. DR. MANMOHAN SINGH SCHOLARSHIPS - Cambridge University, England, UK
These scholarships have been designed to help budding Indian minds follow in the footsteps of Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh by studying at the prestigious Cambridge University. The scholarships can be applied to any undergarduate course (with the two exceptions of medicine and veterinary science) and cover everything, i.e. tuition and college fees, living expenses and an additional grant to go towards travel expenses. Read more...
5. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE SOCIETY OF INDIA - Oxford & Cambridge Universities, England, UK
As the name might suggest, these are scholarships available for students wishing to study at Oxford or Cambridge (cleverly known together as Oxbridge). It is only available for applicants who are completing or have completed a degree at an Indian university, however these scholarships are for both undergraduate and graduate students. Read more...
This one applies to all countries in the Indian subcontinent and is for both undergraduate and graduate courses. Edinburgh Napier University offers a merit based discount of £2,000 Pounds. Read more...
Provides merit-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate programmes across all subjects. Read more...
8. INDIA 4EU II - Several Universities across Europe
Pioneered by the European Union and involving partner universities in France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, the India 4EU II initiative is aimed at encouraging Indian students to study, work and live in Europe. The initiative is well funded and allows the successful students tuition fees, expenses for living and travel costs as well as insurance during their time at one of the partner universities. Read more...
Valid for undergraduate courses in the faculties of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Computer Science or Engineering, the Trinity College Dublin offers Indian students scholarships to the tune of €9,000 per annum over a year degree course. Read more...
Another of Ireland and Dublin's finest, the UCD awards one Global Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship which provides the worthy student a substantial 50% towards their tuition fees and is valid for all courses save medicine, radiography and veterinary medicine. UCD also offers a Global Undergraduate Scholarship scheme for undergrads accepted on science, social sciences, arts and business courses. This is all thanks to a €250,000 fund that will allow for 57 Indian students to benefit from scholarships at UCD. Read more...