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Ten things you didn’t know about Russia

15th August 2017 Posted by: Valentina Bulava

HERE are a lot of unusual and fascinating facts about Russia like the one, for example, that it is bigger than Pluto. Here are ten interesting and, more importantly, true things which might be new to you.

There are actually bears on the streets.

Stereotypes are not always true, and anyone who asks about bears in Russia does it with a note of humour. Well, it is actually not such a rare thing. Bears do sometimes come to towns from forests (mainly in Far East regions), looking for food, and warmhearted people treat them with some cookies or cakes. Some families even have bears as pets.

20% of fresh water is in one lake.

There is a lake in Russia which stores 20% of all fresh water. It is called Baikal and it’s the world’s deepest lake, and biggest by volume.

Student World Online | Lake Baikal

Russians go for a swim in frozen rivers or lakes in January

It is not a crazy thing. It is a religious tradition - Epiphany bathing. People jump in a cold water, some people even bring their little children. It is believed to strengthen your body and soul. 

Flowers superstition

It is considered bad lack and manner to give an even number of flowers in a bouquet. It may sound weird, but this is a belief. Russians only bring an even number of flowers if it’s a funeral. So if you want to give flowers to a Russian person, make sure it makes an odd number.

Student World Online | Tulips

Old New Year

In Russia people actually celebrate a New Year twice. First is a usual for most people date - 31st of December. Another one comes from the old Julian calendar - 14th of January.

Lake that can kill you

It is said in some sources that Karachay lake is so polluted, that standing there for more than one hour can give enough radioactivity to kill a human. In 2015 Russian Government finished works to limit the danger, but it is still believed to be not the best place to visit.

Russia has the longest railway in the world

The Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok has a length of 9,289 km.

Student World Online | Russian train

And more water…

Russia is surrounded by 12 seas in total. There is no other country in the world like that.

World's coldest inhabited place

One Russian town called Oymyakon is believed to be the coldest inhabited place on Earth. The lowest temperature registered there is −77.8 °С.

Red Square is not named after the colour

There is a word in old Russian which means ‘beautiful’ – ‘krasniy’. This word also means ‘red’ as a colour. That is where the name comes from, not from the colours of buildings as most people think.

Student World Online | Red Square


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