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Health and Wellbeing at University

23rd November 2017 Posted by: Becca Fadden

NOW that the university year is well and truly in progress, and the craziness of Freshers has died down, it’s important for students to not lose track of what’s important in this exciting time – their health. With ‘Freshers Flu’ still making it’s way round, and deadlines and exams looming, it can only be a good thing for you to get a healthy regime going – one that will, in turn, boost your mood and energy levels, and giving you a better chance at those high results!

Eat healthily

Whilst those student loans have most likely dwindled in size, that’s no excuse to spend the next few months pigging out on junk food! Takeaways can be an unnecessary expense, and while there’s no harm in having the odd one as a treat (everything in moderation remember!), a freshly cooked meal with vegetables is no competition. Fuelling up on vitamins through fruit and vegetables is vital, and by eating produce that is in season, it will prove cheaper. Also batch producing meals and then freezing them, such as spaghetti bolognaise can reduce costs, due to ingredients being cheaper when bought in bulk. This allows you to save meals and reheat them when time is short, instead of picking a nutritionally empty microwave meal.

Student World Online | Healthy Eating


There’s no arguing that gym memberships can be pricey, but if your university doesn’t offer a free membership, there are plenty of other ways to keep fit and get those endorphins moving around your body. From walks with your friends, to joining a sports society at university, you can easily mix socialising and exercise to keep it fun and interesting. Trying a sport that you’ve never done before can be exciting, from kickboxing to yoga, there is sure to be something for everyone!

Sleep well

A good sleeping pattern is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing – improving your concentration levels for that all-important studying. Getting a recommended eight hours a night is advisable, allowing you to be fully rested for the next day’s events. Using blackout blinds, or a free app on your phone to measure your sleeping pattern, can improve your sleep experience massively, and help you feel extra refreshed when you wake up.

Stay hydrated – in the right way!

Hydration is key to staying healthy while at university. The benefits of drinking water knows no bounds, from stopping weight gain and improving your skin, to helping keep your focus when a deadline is looming, trying to drink eight glasses of water a day will really help you keep on top of your health.

Student World Online | Stay Hydrated

Watch those stress levels

The effect stress can have on the body is overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to start to manage your stress levels now so you can take your techniques on with you in your future life and career. Using a personal organiser or diary will help you with your time management of your deadlines and exams, and stop you pulling all nighters and late night cramming sessions. If you begin to feel yourself start to suffer mentally, contact your lecturer, tutor or the university’s mental health services for the wide range of help they can offer you.

And finally...

...for when things have gone south a bit and you find yourself ill, make sure you join the local doctors so you can get the medical attention you need!



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